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Angelica Dante Cut Outs

With her doll-like eyes, Angelica Dante’s innocent looking exterior is almost convincing. But, behind her smile, a darkness lurks…

Hailing from the cornfields of Kingsland, Texas, Angelica took over as Lady of the House when she was a small girl, following Momma’s freak incident with a harvesting scythe. While Angelica was the apple of her daddy’s eye, her elder sister made Daddy very upset. Daddy told Angelica that her sister was made wrong, and that she needed to be punished.

Despite Daddy’s insistence that Angelica’s sister remain in the basement, she and Angelica were close– if only in secret. Years passed and while her sister’s punishment continued, Angelica had grown into a confident young woman who wanted to see the world. It was a clear, cool night when Angelica stole the basement key from Daddy. After tying up a few loose ends, during which her sister earned her nickname, Chainsaw, she and Angelica began their big adventure to the city.

Sweet Angelica likes being in charge. But, there are other girls standing in the way of her becoming Lady of the WOW house– and that makes Angelica upset. And when Angelica gets upset, Chainsaw gets mad, and when Chainsaw gets mad, accidents happen.

Angelica Dante Cut Outs