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Keta Rush

As a young person, Keta Rush gained a reputation for being an all-around super-athlete. She was a trackstar who exhibited unparalleled speed. However, her momentum stalled when she became the victim of a tragic act of bullying and intimidation. A group of girls cornered her and beat her mercilessly to within an inch of her life. After a week in the hospital and months of physical therapy, Keta recovered physically, but emotional scars still remain.

In her search for recovery, Keta decided to become a superhero. Keta is determined to ensure no other child has to go through what she experienced. She founded the nonprofit organization,Team Bully Buster, where people of all ages learn confidence, how to identify bullying, what steps to take if they are bullied, and if worse comes to worse, how to defend themselves.

WOW – Women Of Wrestling has empowered Keta to “be strong, be yourself, and win”. Now, Keta inspires fans of all ages and is making a difference. Listening to her speak or watching her wrestle, you are sure to feel an adrenaline rush!

Keta Rush