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Mother Daughter Truckers

Big Rig Betty and her baby girl Holly Swag roll into WOW as the first ever mother and daughter tag team in the league. Big Rig Betty comes from a long line of truckers, including her father. Although they were often gone on the long road, whenever her grandmother stopped by, she was sure to take time out to watch pro wrestling with Big Rig. Falling in love with the dream of being a wrestler, Big Rig met Tracy Smothers, who introduced her to the Bardstown brawler Jessie Jones, and they began training. When Big Rig had a daughter of her own, she also began training, continuing the legacy of truck driving while starting a new family legacy of wrestling.

The mother trucker and her tow truck driving daughter found themselves on the long haul from Jackson, Tennessee to Los Angeles, California, where they met The Fabulous Lana Star, who gave them tickets to a WOW – Women Of Wrestling show. During the show, they saw a group attacking their old friend Jessie Jones, and jumped in to save her. Seeing their skill and heart, David McLane made their wildest wrestling dreams come true and signed them to the WOW roster. The Tennessee Twosome are trucking straight to the top and with a convoy of fans behind them, there is no roadblock that will stop these two steamrollers!

Mother Daughter Truckers