Women Of Wrestling

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Raised in Kingsland, Texas, Chainsaw often felt like the black sheep of her community because she towered over every other kid in her school. She was mercilessly tormented by the other children just because of her size. Though she towered over them, she was a gentle soul at heart and just wanted to be accepted. But one fateful day, the other children pushed Chainsaw too far and she snapped. The end result was catastrophic.

Horrified, Chainsaw’s father locked his problem child away in a dark shed, restraining her with saw chains. With nothing to entertain her but a punching bag and her own thoughts, time passed slowly for Chainsaw, but it was there that she learned to fight. She took out all her frustrations, pain, and tears on the punching bag. Years passed and eventually Chainsaw realized she was stronger than the locks meant to hold her. She burst free and made her way to the WOW ring, where her size and strength have made her a top contender, but the fear she evokes in her opponents is her real edge!
