Women Of Wrestling

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METAL Sisters

Though they were each once outcasts, shunned for being different, The Heavy Metal Sisters have risen from the darkness to become a chaotic force to be reckoned with! Originally formed as a street gang, The Heavy Metal Sisters quickly transformed into a sisterhood for the unwanted, the misfits and the shunned.

Taking their pain and shaping it into a single-minded goal, The Heavy Metal Sisters use their street smarts, brawling style and enigmatic charisma to dominate their opponents at WOW – inside and outside the ring. Despite their many differences of style and backgrounds, the sisters represent their bond through a shared symbol, worn proudly on their faces to indicate that nothing: not judgment, not words, not actions, will sever their bond and their desire to win! Their current goal: to become the WOW Tag Team Champions!

Wild, unpredictable and mischievous, The Heavy Metal Sisters represent everyone who has ever been told they were weird, told they were different, or told they just didn’t fit in. They’re here to kick down your conventions, take the rules by the throat and live their own truth to the fullest!

METAL Sisters