Lil J Boogie

Lil J-Boogie

Lil J-Boogie may have started out with The Brat Pack, but she’s no bully. Usually seen carrying around her custom boombox, Lil J-Boogie always brings the beat. Her dance background and upbeat attitude make her a fun and entertaining addition to WOW’s roster.

One of her signature moves, is called the “album cover,” and involves Lil J-Boogie hopping up on the apron and mouthing “Hi mom!” while her opponent is locked up on the ring ropes. Lil J-Boogie has heart and soul, bringing up the ambiance backstage and in the ring.

Being very connected to her family and her roots, Lil J-Boogie gives her mom a shoutout whenever she can. She strives to make her family proud and has found a home away from home at WOW surrounded by empowering women who encourage her to work hard, be herself, and win!

Lil J Boogie